When the World's On Fire
Published by the Institute of Contemporary Art, Chattanooga and Boo Boo Books, 2024
140 pages
Free access: Issuu
Pure Paragraphs is a collection of paragraphs by one hundred and thirty artists and writers. Responding to a sort of anti-prompt, the contributors were asked only to bear in mind the basic architecture and function of a paragraph. The book contains a near even split of texts and visual works. Conceived and produced over the course of a month and released on the occasion of Kevin McNamee-Tweed's exhibition at Dutton in New York, the publication carries itself as an loving experiment, at once intimate, improvisational, it is a rowdy convergence.
The Circle Drawings
Originally published in 2013 by Boo Boo Books
10th Anniversary Edition published by Texas State University, Boo Boo Books, & Steve Turner, 2023 
40 pages​​​​​​​
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